About us

About us


Teacher education

Our Institute plays a defining role in the teacher education of West Danubian Region with teaching subjects in the field of education and psychology for full time students of different other Institutes of ELTE in Szombathely.

Further teacher's trainings

In order to support teachers’ continuous professional development, to answer the current challenges of education in an up-to-date, professional manner, as well as to find adaptive solutions, the Institute offers a wide range of opportunities within the Faculty’s further training portfolio:

Pedagogical professional examination (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Pedagógus-szakvizsga)

Optional majors for pedagogical professional examination that can be completed independently:

  1. Teacher of professional evaluation and assessment (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Mérés- értékelés)
  2. Mentor teacher (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Mentortanár)
  3. Pedagogical innovation in school practice (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Pedagógiai innováció az iskolai gyakorlatban)
  4. Teacher of individual development (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Fejlesztőpedagógus)
  5. Expert advisor of the school development (4 semesters) – (in Hungarian: Iskolai tanácsadó)